A cat named Rayne Beau has been safely reunited with her family more than two months after she went missing during a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park. But not before he managed to travel almost 900 miles!
Learn more about this kitten’s walk on the wild side and his eventual return home.
Camping trip gone wrong
Benny and Susanne Anguiano of Salinas, California, have gone camping with their cats before, so it was a no-brainer that they would accompany them on the couple’s June trip to Yellowstone National Park. But one night on the trip, poor Rayne Beau got scared and ran away.
The Anguianos spent the rest of their trip trying to find their missing kitten, but to no avail. They made the heartbreaking decision to leave Rayne Beau behind before returning home. But Susanne said the universe gave her hope that her cat was still there when the couple left the park.
“We were driving and out of nowhere these double rainbows appear, and that brought everything together for me,” says Susanne Anguiano. This had to be a good sign: rainbows are Rayne Beau’s namesake.
Two months later, the Anguianos finally received surprisingly good news. Rayne Beau managed to walk to a shelter in Roseville, California, more than 800 miles from Yellowstone. What’s more, Rayne Beau reportedly also prevented a coyote attackaccording to Benny Anguiano.
Remember to microchip your pet
Although Rayne Beau’s journey was brave, the shelter was eventually able to contact the Anguianos thanks to Rayne Beau’s microchip.
“Definitely microchip your cat or pet and register it online,” says Susanne Anguiano. “We would never have gotten them back if that hadn’t happened.”
Microchipping your pet is inexpensive and makes an incredible difference. The return rate to the owner of a lost microchipped cat is 20 times greater What if the cat does not have a microchip. Additionally, the procedure to microchip a cat is non-invasive and only takes a few minutes.
If your pets are already microchipped, that’s great news! Just remember to update your pet’s. microchip contact information if you move or change your phone number.